Create applications

The snappi merchant portal allows merchants to integrate their systems and platforms with snappi to enable e-commerce and payment functionality. Creating applications in the snappi merchant portal is the first step for a merchant to set up this integration.

Let's walk you through the steps to create a Merchant application in your snappiDev portal!

1. Log into your merchant portal account


Go to your merchant portal URL and log in with your username and password.

2. Click Create App


Click the green button or link to Create App. Click this to begin the application creation process.

3. Select Application Type


Select PSD2 App as the application type from the dropdown. This is currently the only available type.

4. Edit the application data


  • Enter a unique name for your application in the provided field. This will be how your application appears in the portal and also on reports. For instance,type "Open Banking" or "PIS".

  • Provide a brief description of the application to help identify its purpose.

  • Enter Certificate: upload an eIDAS (Electronic Identification, Authentication and Trust Services) certificate. This certificate is crucial for ensuring secure communications and compliance with digital identity regulations.

  • Enter Redirect URI: specify the URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) where the application will redirect users after certain actions, such as consents or payments.

  • Check functional options:

The follwoing checkboxes declare the TPP's intention for using the PSD2 pillars. eIDAS also contains that info for which pillar the TPP is certified for, so there is a validation that takes place combining those two app properties:

  • Account Information: select this option if the application requires access to account information.

  • Payment initiation: select this option if the application will initiate payments.

  • Funds confirmation select this option if the application needs to confirm the availability of funds.

5. Click Create App

Once you've entered all the required fields, click the Create App button to finalize the application setup in the portal.

6. Verify the newly created app


You can now view the application you have just created in the dashboard.

6. Cancel if necessary

If you decide not to proceed, click Cancel to abort the process and return to the previous screen or main dashboard.