PSD2 is the second Payment Services Directive, designed by the countries of the European Union (Directive (EU) 2015/2366 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 25 November 2015 on payment services in the internal market).

What PSD2 does?

  • Increases the security of payments in electronic banking by
  • Introducing two-step verification through at least two elements from the following categories:
    • knowledge; information only known to you, e.g., password, PIN.
    • ownership; something that only you have access to, e.g., telephone, token, payment card or your own features, e.g., biometric data.
  • Introduction of payment services as part of open banking.

What do you gain?

Thanks to PSD2, you get:

  • access to all payment accounts (kept in various banks) in one place.
  • immediate verification of the current financial situation.
  • secure transaction confirmation.
  • automated processes, e.g., credit verification process.
  • access to open banking and consent management for external service providers.


The PSD2 API is a standardized set of application programming interfaces that enables secure and regulated access to payment services and customers' banking information. It is part of the European Union's PSD2 regulation, which aims to enhance competition, innovation, and security in the financial industry.

Account Information

It provides account information services as an online service to provide consolidated information on one or more payment accounts held by a payment service user with one or more payment service provider(s). Gain access to transaction reports, balances and account details for specific accounts or card accounts. You can retrieve a list of available accounts, view balances and access detailed account information, all within the scope of the granted consent.

Payment Initiation

The Payment Initiation API facilitates various financial transactions and services. It enables the initiation and update of payment requests, providing a mechanism for users to manage their payment operations efficiently.

Funds confirmation

Check the availability of funds in a given account. The API supports creating consent resources for access to accounts, initiating funds availability checks and managing consent authorisations, including starting and updating PSU data for consent authorisation.